Where can I find out more information about the Rivals Booster Pack promotion?
More information about the NFL Rivals Booster Pack Prime Gaming promotion can be found here, with an additional FAQ at the bottom of the page.
How can I redeem my NFL Rivals Prime Gaming pack?
To redeem your Prime Gaming Rivals Booster pack:
- Sign in to your Amazon Prime Gaming account by clicking or tapping the Sign in button (located at the top right of the page).
- Scan the QR code from this page, or access directly from your mobile device to download the content.
- If you do not have NFL Rivals downloaded, you will be directed to download the game.
- If you do have the game downloaded, and created a new account, be sure to complete the FTUE (First Time User Experience) Tutorial.
- Navigate to the Shop to claim your pack.
If you don't see your pack after redeeming it, restart the game (fully close/force close the NFL Rivals app and reopen the game again).
iOS (Apple) device troubleshooting
Please note that If you're experiencing issues claiming content on your iOS device, please try using the latest version of the Safari web browser to complete the claim.
You may need to make Safari your default browser when scanning the QR code. Steps on how to do this can be found in this help article from Apple Support below:
Change the default web browser or email app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch (Apple Support)
I'm still having trouble redeeming my pack or I have another Prime Gaming issue. How can I get help with this?
Pack redemption or Prime Gaming/NFL Rivals linking issues
- Email address associated with your Mythical/NFL Rivals account
- Your NFL Rivals display name
- Email address associated with your Amazon account
- Your Amazon Customer ID (instructions on how to find this in the section below)
- Your device model name/OS version (example: "Samsung Galaxy s23 Android version 13.1")
- Screenshot of your Prime Gaming redemption page
How to locate your Amazon Customer ID
- Go to the Amazon website and log in to your account.
- Click on your name in the top right corner of the page and select Account & Lists.
- Then, click on Your Account and scroll down to the Account details section.
- Your account number will be listed under Amazon Customer ID.
Other Amazon Prime Gaming account membership questions
If you have another issue related to your Amazon Prime Gaming account or membership, please contact Amazon Prime Support directly.